Ref : Master Circular No.4 (Updated in Sept/2019 issued vide RB’s L/No.E(W)2019/FU-1/4 dated 30-09-2019)
Ref : RBE No.157/2022, ACS No.143 issued vide RB’s L/No.E(W)2022/SBF/5 dated 21-12-2022
Women Empowerment activities for women employees at Railway Workplace are financed through Staff Benefit Fund maintained on each Zonal Railway, in addition to large number of other Staff Welfare activities.
Women empowerment activities includes Seminar, Camps, Training Programmes and Gender Sensitization camps,giving support to Creches, arrangements for Safety of Women Railway Servants & other initiatives taken by Railways.
Grant of Scholarships for wards of Railway Servants for pursuing Technical/ Professional Diploma/degree in Grade Pay upto ` 2400/- (i.e. upto Level-4 of pay matrix). Same grant is given for male children also.
Grant of Scholarships for wards of Railway Servants in Grade Pay above ` 2400/- (i.e. upto Level-4 of pay matrix) for pursuing Higher Technical/Professional education.
Handicraft Centres and Mahila Samities operate under the Staff Benefit Fund Scheme in order to help women members of Employees’ families in augmenting the family income by learning vocational skills like stitching, weaving, beauty culture, computer operating and making some stationery items required by the Railways.
Women Welfare Organizations exist in the Railways comprising wives of Railway Officers, which are proactive in empowerment of Women Employees and Women Folks of the Employees’ families. Their activities include running of Nursery Schools/Primary Schools, Creches, Schools for mentally challenged children, financial assistance in deserving cases and handicraft centres for women members of employees’ facilities, felicitation outstanding Railway Women Employees, etc.